March 7

Compost Masterfully

Uncategorized, Volunteer



Seattle Tilth is currently accepting applications for the spring Master Composter / Soil Builder program which is manage by Seattle Tilth and sponsored by  Seattle Public Utilities. In it’s 30th year this program trains community members to become compost educators. Seattle residents can apply to participate in the program and will receive training through a four week, eight session program with a community service component:

Each Master Composter/Soil Builder participates in 28 hours of classroom learning (including field trips) and 35 hours of volunteer outreach, which may involve giving composting classes at schools and civic associations, assisting schools and community gardens with setting up a compost system and staffing compost information tables and community events.

This course covers the following topics:

  • improving soil health and building soil life

  • understanding the small-scale composting process

  • using finished compost

  • designing and building on-site compost systems

  • managing storm water and protecting water quality

  • teaching others about composting and resource conservation practices

 After the training, Master Composters contribute 35 hours of volunteer outreach teaching practical techniques to other community members. Volunteers work on projects of their own choosing – at schools, churches, community centers, businesses and community gardens.

Class Dates & Times:

The training is a four week (8 sessions) in-depth educational experience with four Tuesday evenings and four Saturday sessions.

  • Four Tuesdays, 7-9 p.m. on Mar. 24, Mar. 31, Apr. 7 and Apr. 14
  • Four Saturdays, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Mar. 28, Apr. 4, Apr. 11 and Apr. 18

Classroom sessions takes place in Wallingford (4649 Sunnyside Ave N).

This is a great opportunity for people in your community who are passionate about the environment or gardening to help make a big difference in their communities.

This role is even more vital as food waste is now prohibited from the garbage, read more in our post “Finding the Right Place for Food Waste.” Applications are due by March 14th and the program is for Seattle residents only.

Apply here.



compost, master composter, seattle public utilities, seattle tilth, soil

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