February 20

City crews to install parking meters



Controversial parking changes are coming to Fremont in the next few days.

On Monday, the Seattle Department of Transportation will start the process to implement the parking plan. Changes include two-hour paid parking in the retail core, time-limit signs for some no-cost spaces, and a new residential parking zone (RPZ). Here’s a map (.pdf) The city says:

The on-street parking enhancements will feature:
– An RPZ on streets north and east of the business district to ensure residents can more easily park;
– Two-hour paid parking in the high demand retail area, using 90 of 700 spaces, to create parking turnover and provide better access for customers
– Time-limit signs on no-cost spaces outside Fremont’s retail core to promote more space turnover.

The RPZ and paid parking signs are scheduled for installation beginning on Monday while the parking kiosks will be installed on Wednesday. The city plans to have the pay stations “live” by March 9th. The city believes that these changes will make parking in the neighborhood easier for residents, visitors and businesses. The Fremont Chamber of Commerce has opposed this plan, as does the Keep Fremont Free group.



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